Stop sitting at your computer for hours

break up with your backspace button & stop wondering what you should even right on your website.

The Website Writing Workbook

Recommended for: anyone who is looking to save time with their website copy by following my strategic copywriting workbook

Picture this - you work your way through this workbook in a matter of hours and you have everything you could ever want to include on your website written in the exact language that will cause your ideal clients to go leaping into your mailbox. Save time & increase conversions with this jam packed resource full of examples, prompts and strategy.

Buy now for $244.00

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Built with connection & conversion in mind

This website writing workbook was built to walk you through page-by-page of your website. Packed full of ideas, prompts, and recommendations, you no longer need to sit at your computer for hours trying to figure out what to write on your about page (been there, done that).

Skip ahead & write a killer website in a matter of hours, so that you can get back to the more important pieces of your business.

comes with examples, prompts, and stratgies

Over 200 pages of prompts, ideas, & tips

work your way through every page & element of your website (and I truly mean every) in a fraction of the time.

bonus: snag a copy of my nail your niche guidebook

This is perfect for you if....

You don't have the budget in your business to go full custom or pay for a "traditional" copywriter

you are still trying to figure out the language that causes your ideal clients to jump out of their seats and into your inbox

you just threw some words up on your website a few years ago and you haven't thought much about their impact (or lack thereof) since.

You know you need to have more influential & impactful language across your website, but you just don't know where to even start

Still not sure if this is right for you?

Keep scrolling for some FAQ's, or send me a message and we can chat!


Will this be a lot of work on my end?

You will have to work through the workbook all on your own, but I've set it up to make it as easy as possible for you. It has prompts and examples galore so that you can cut your pondering time down and get straight to actually writing.

So what exactly do I get in this workbook?

You'll get over 200 pages of prompts, ideas, examples and tips. Plus you'll also get help nailing your niche and your tone so that the words you write have an impact on your ideal audience.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the digital nature of this product, I do not offer refunds at this time. The only exception would be if there is an issue with delivery and the file is corrupt or broken in some way.

When can I expect to receive this?

Great question! This is a digital product, so upon checking out you will be asked to provide an email address. You can expect to have the document sent to the email address provided within 24h from purchasing.

Please note, if you don't see the file please be sure to check junk/spam folders first, but of course reach out with any questions you might have.

Do you offer payment plans?

If you're interested, upon checkout you can use a financing option to pay in 4 different installments.

I'm ready to write my dream website!

Buy now for $244.00

By purchasing this product, you are agreeing to the terms & conditions.

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